Enhancing First Responder Effectiveness

911-Live: Real-Time Data for Rapid Response

Experience a new level of situational awareness with caller-provided insights, ensuring field safety and effective response strategies.

Caller Insights

Situational Awareness

Field Safety

Rapid Deployment

Key Features of 911-Live


Caller-Provided Insights

Access crucial information from the caller to assess and manage emergency situations effectively.


Enhanced Situational Awareness

Utilize real-time data to understand the emergency context before arriving on the scene.


Field Safety Assurance

Improve safety for first responders with preemptive information on potential hazards.


Efficient Information Flow

Streamline communication channels to speed up emergency response times.


Rapid Deployment

Deploy first responders faster with precise location data and situation details.


Geo-Location Accuracy

Leverage advanced geolocation to pinpoint the exact location of the emergency.

Quick Start Guide

Follow these simple steps to utilize the 911-Live application effectively.


Enter Your Cell Number

Start by entering your cell phone number to initiate the emergency protocol.


Auto-Populate Zip Code

The app may auto-populate your zip code using 3D geolocation to ensure accuracy.


Send SOS Signal

Send an SOS signal directly to the nearest school or police station for immediate assistance.

Impactful Results

911- live schools

Discover how 911-Live is revolutionizing emergency response with real-time data.

  • Success Rate of Location Accuracy 95% 95%
  • Reduction in Response Time 88% 88%
  • User Satisfaction Rate 77% 77%

Join the Lifesaving Revolution

Be a part of the change that enhances field safety and situational awareness. Sign up for 911-Live today and ensure help is just a click away.